Welcome to Little ferns learning hub
Hi, I’m Mary, a Montessori educator with 15 years experience working with children in a variety of Early years and Primary settings in both the UK and Cambodia.
I live in a small Somerset village with my 6 year old daughter and my husband.
Like many parents during these unprecedented times, I now find myself homeschooling my daughter. Trying to engage her in school work in the home environment has been trying, so I’ve dipped into old resources, and made lots of new ones using the Montessori method to supplement the National Curriculum and the work that her wonderful teacher is sending us.
During this isolating COVID era, I have created Little Ferns Learning Hub as a way to reach out to the world, and try to help in anyway possible.
Here, you will find lots of free printables, lesson plans, recipes, stories, ideas and general Montessori musings. There is also a forum which may be a useful way to find support from others in the same boat. I would love to get inspiration from you too.
So- taking another swig of my quarantini-I send lots of love and light to all you wonderful parents and educators out there.
Take care and stay safe.
Mary Rose Richardson
Mont. dip, EYT, BA(Hons) Education studies